Page 12 - Demo
P. 12
12Pinces - Pliers COLLECTIONS(voir / see page 2)B = BestS = StandardPI-164/B PINCE A ENLEVERLES BLOCS UNIVERSELS WECOInt%u00e9rieur des m%u00e2choires lisse pour blocsen mati%u00e8re plastiqueAcier inoxydable - 150 mm - 130 gWECO UNIVERSAL BLOCKREMOVING PLIERPolished jaw insides for blocks in plasticStainless steel - 150 mm - 130 gPI-120/B PINCE A ENLEVER LES VENTOUSES INDO-HOYA-NIDEKAcier inoxydable - 150 mm - 110 gINDO-HOYA-NIDEK SUCKERREMOVING PLIERStainless steel - 150 mm - 110 gPI-195/B - PI-195/S PINCE A ENLEVERLES VENTOUSESet blocs universels (mod%u00e8le frontal).Int%u00e9rieur des m%u00e2choires stri%u00e9.Dimension int. ferm%u00e9 = 14 mmPour ventouses et blocs avec talon diam%u00e8tre 16 mm(Essilor - Weco)Acier inoxydable - 145 mm - 110 gSUCKER AND BLOCK REMOVING PLIERInner size closed = 14 mm(frontal) for suckers and universal blocks with heel16 mm diameter (Essilor - Weco)Stainless steel - 145 mm - 110 gPI-226/E PINCE LATERALE%u00e0 enlever les blocs Briot. Poign%u00e9es plastifi%u00e9esAcier inoxydable - 155 mm - 180 gSIDE PLIER for removing Briot blocksPlasticized handlesStainless steel - 155 mm - 180 gPI-175/B - PI-175/S PINCE A RAPPROCHERpermettant de v%u00e9rifier la dimension du verredans la montureAcier inoxydable - 140 mm - 100 gCLOSURE PLIERfor testing the lens size inside the frameStainless steel - 140 mm - 100 gPI-207/B PINCE D%u2019ASSEMBLAGEPermet de rapprocher les cercles des montures m%u00e9talliqueset de poser et visser les vis d%u2019assemblage.La vis est introduite dans l%u2019%u00e9videment de l%u2019une des m%u00e2choires et serr%u00e9e %u00e0 l%u2019aide d%u2019un tournevis %u00e0 lame longue(TO-180/A20 ou TO-181/A20).Acier inoxydable - 135 mm - 100 gASSEMBLY PLIEREnables to bring circles of metal frames together and to setand screw on assembly screws. The screw is inserted in thehollow of one of the jaws and screwed thanks to a long bladed screwdriver (TO-180/A20 or TO-181/A20).Stainless steel - 135 mm - 100 gPinces sp%u00e9ciales (suite)Special purpose pliers (cont.)131014