Page 15 - Demo
P. 15
15Pinces - PliersPI-104/B - PI-104/S PINCE COUPANTEDE FACEmoiti%u00e9 avec biseau, moiti%u00e9 sans biseau.Capacit%u00e9 de coupe : c%u00f4t%u00e9 biseaut%u00e9 = m%u00e9taux douxjusqu%u2019%u00e0 %u00d8 1,4 mm. C%u00f4t%u00e9 plat = m%u00e9taux doux jusqu%u2019%u00e0 %u00d8 1 mm.120 mm - 90 gFRONT CUTTING PLIERHalf V cut, half flat.Cutting capacity: V cut side = soft metals up to 1.4 mm %u00d8.Flat side = soft metals up to 1 mm %u00d8. 120 mm - 90 gPI-187/B PINCE COUPANTE DE FACEavec vis de blocage pour r%u00e9gler l%u2019ouverture des m%u00e2choires. Permet d%u2019%u00e9viter de transmettre l%u2019effet de choc au verrelors de la coupe d%u2019une vis.Capacit%u00e9 de coupe : m%u00e9taux doux jusqu%u2019%u00e0 %u00d8 1,4 mm.130 mm - 130 gFRONT CUTTING PLIER with screw lock to adjustthe jaw opening for avoiding the transmission of the%u00a0shock effect to the lens during the cutting of a screw.Cutting capacity: soft metals up to 1.4 mm %u00d8.130 mm - 130 gPI-184/B PINCE COUPANTE DE FACECapacit%u00e9 de coupe : m%u00e9taux doux jusqu%u2019%u00e0 %u00d8 1,4 mm.130 mm - 105 gFRONT CUTTING PLIERCutting capacity: soft metals up to 1.4 mm %u00d8.130 mm - 105 gPI-105/B - PI-105/S PINCE COUPANTELATERALEAvec biseau.Capacit%u00e9 de coupe : m%u00e9taux mi-durs jusqu%u2019%u00e0 %u00d8 1,5 mm140 mm - 125 gSIDE CUTTING PLIER V cutCutting capacity: half hard metals up to 1.5 mm %u00d8140 mm - 125 gPI-140/B PINCE COUPANTE DIAGONALEavec biseau.Capacit%u00e9 de coupe : m%u00e9taux mi-durs jusqu%u2019%u00e0 %u00d8 1,2 mm140 mm - 120 gDIAGONAL CUTTING PLIERV cut. Cutting capacity: half hard metals up to 1.2 mm %u00d8140 mm - 120 gPI-151/E PINCE COUPANTE DIAGONALEavec biseau.Capacit%u00e9 de coupe : m%u00e9taux mi-durs jusqu%u2019%u00e0 %u00d8 1,2 mmPoign%u00e9es plastifi%u00e9es120 mm - 70 gDIAGONAL CUTTING PLIERV cut. Cutting capacity: half hard metals up to 1.2 mm %u00d8Plasticized handles120 mm - 70 gPI-139/E PINCE COUPANTE LATERALESuperpos%u00e9e, poign%u00e9es %u00e9quip%u00e9es de gaines en plastique, ressort de rappel.Capacit%u00e9 de coupe : vis inox jusqu%u2019%u00e0 %u00d8 1,6 mmAcier au carbone - 135 mm - 90 gSIDE CUTTING PLIERSuperposed, with plastic sheathed handles and return spring.Cutting capacity: stainless steel screws up to 1.6 mm %u00d8Carbon steel - 135 mm - 90 gPinces coupantesCutting pliersPinces coupantes pour cavaliers plastique : voir page 6.Cutting pliers for staple sockets: see page 6.