Page 7 - Demo
P. 7
7Pinces - PliersPI-172/B - PI-172/S PINCE A POINTERm%u00e2choires profondesAcier inoxydable - 135 mm - 105 gFLARING PLIER wide jawsStainless steel - 135 mm - 105 g PI-172/1 Pointe de rechange (1 pc)Replacement pin (1 pc)PI-167/B PINCE A EGRUGERlargeur 8 mm - 140 mm - 120 gGLASS CHIPPING PLIER8 mm wide jaws - 140 mm - 120 gPI-191/S PINCE A MARQUER(sans le poin%u00e7on)Acier inoxydable - 130 mm - 225 gMARKING PLIER (without punch)Stainless steel - 130 mm - 225 gPI-191/01 %u00e0/to PI-191/06Poin%u00e7on. Prix variable en fonction du nombrede caract%u00e8res ou signes.6 caract%u00e8res (ou signes) maximum (si hauteur 1 mm).Ex. : 2 caract%u00e8res r%u00e9f. : PI-191/02Punch. Price changing according to the numberof characters or signs.6 characters (or signs) maximum (if 1.0 mm high).Ex.: 2 characters ref. : PI-191/02 PI-191/CE Poin%u00e7on CEPunch CEPI-116/S PINCE A EGRUGERlargeur 17 mm (mors interchangeables)Acier inoxydable - 135 mm - 120 gGLASS CHIPPING PLIER17 mm wide jaws (interchangeable jaws)Stainless steel - 135 mm - 120 g PI-116/1 Mors de rechange ( 1 paire + vis)Replacement jaws (1 pair + screws)Pinces %u00e0 pointerFlaring pliersPinces %u00e0 %u00e9grugerGlass chipping pliersPince %u00e0 marquer(sur branches ou verres organiques)Marking plier (on temples ororganic lenses)178