Page 3 - Demo
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3Pinces - PliersPI-171/B - PI-171/S PINCE A BECS PLATSLargeur de bec 3 mmAcier inoxydable - 140 mm - 105 gFLAT NOSE PLIER3 mm wide jawsStainless steel - 140 mm - 105 gPI-178/B PINCE A LONGS BECS PLATSLargeur de bec 3 mmAcier inoxydable - 150 mm - 90 gLONG FLAT NOSE PLIER3 mm wide jawsStainless steel - 150 mm - 90 gPI-108/B - PI-108/S PINCE A CHAINE%u00e0 becs effil%u00e9sAcier inoxydable - 140 mm - 90 gCHAIN NOSE PLIERwith slim tapered jawsStainless steel - 140 mm - 90 gPI-152/B - PI-152/S PINCE A LONGS BECS DEMI-RONDSAcier inoxydable - 150 mm - 90 gHALF ROUND LONG NOSE PLIERStainless steel - 150 mm - 90 gPI-112/B - PI-112/S PINCE A LONGS BECS RONDS EFFILESAcier inoxydable - 150 mm - 110 gLONG ROUND NOSE PLIERwith slim tapered jawsStainless steel - 150 mm - 110 gPI-188/S PINCE A BECS PLATS COURTS ET LARGESLargeur de bec 9 mmAcier inoxydable - 130 mm - 100 gLARGE AND SHORT FLAT NOSE PLIER9 mm wide jawsStainless steel - 130 mm - 100 gPI-118/S PINCE A BECS PLATS LARGESLargeur de bec 5 mmAcier inoxydable - 145 mm - 100 gLARGE FLAT NOSE PLIER5 mm wide jawsStainless steel - 145 mm - 100 gPinces d%u2019utilisation g%u00e9n%u00e9rale : plates, demi-rondes et rondesFlat, half round and round nose pliers for all purposesNOUVEAU / NEWCOLLECTIONS(voir / see page 2)B = BestS = Standard