Page 91 - Demo
P. 91

                                    91Composants - Frame partsEmbouts %u201cBest%u201d (sachet de 1 paire)%u201cBest%u201d temple tips (Bag of 1 pair)Embouts Standards (sachet de 5 paires) / Standard temple tips (Bag of 5 pairs)Accessoires pour embouts / Accessories for tipsTeintesColoursPer%u00e7age / Piercing %u00d8 1.35 mmPetite tailleSmall SizeGrande tailleLarge SizeBlanc / WhiteBleu fonc%u00e9 / Dark blueBrun / BrownNoir / BlackGris clair / Light greyVert / GreenRouge / RedRouge fonc%u00e9 / Dark redJaune / YellowBeige / BeigeBleu clair / Light blue%u2013%u2013EM-301/01EM-302/01EM-303/01EM-304/01EM-305/01EM-306/01EM-307/01%u2013%u2013EM-309/01EM-310/01EM-320/01EM-321/01EM-322/01EM-323/01EM-324/01%u2013%u2013EM-326/01EM-327/01EM-328/01EM-329/01%u2013%u2013TeintesColoursPer%u00e7age / Piercing %u00d8 1.30 mmPetite tailleSmall SizeGrande tailleLarge SizeBlanc / WhiteBleu / BlueBrun / BrownNoir / BlackVert / GreenRouge / Red-EM-191/5EM-192/5EM-193/5EM-195/5EM-196/5EM-150/5-EM-152/5EM-153/5--TeintesColoursPer%u00e7age / Piercing %u00d8 0.95 mmPetite tailleSmall SizeGrande tailleLarge SizeBleu fonc%u00e9 / Dark blueBrun / BrownNoir / BlackEM-341/01EM-342/01EM-343/01EM-351/01EM-352/01EM-353/01CROCHETS de s%u00e9curit%u00e9 en silicone (bo%u00eete de 12 paires)Silicone frame LOCKS (box of 12 pairs)CR-149 Assort. / SetCR-150 Brun / BrownCR-151 Cristal / CrystalCR-152 Noir / BlackCROCHETS de s%u00e9curit%u00e9 en siliconeavec blocage (bo%u00eete de 5 paires)Silicone frame LOCKS with blocking part(box of 5 pairs)CR-155 Noir / BlackCR-156 Vert / GreenCR-157 Rose / PinkSUREMBOUTS EN SILICONE Long. = 67 mm (12 sachets de 1 paire)SLIP STOP TEMPLE TIPSLength = 67 mm (12 bags of 1 pair)HI-101Moyen - %u00d8 int. = 3,5 x 3Medium - Inner %u00d8 = 3.5 x 3HI-102Grand - %u00d8 int. = 4 x 3Large - Inner %u00d8 = 4 x 3Embouts crochet en silicone et accessoiresSilicone conversion cable ends and accessories11232 222211113Couper %u00e0 la longueur n%u00e9cessaire.Cut at the necessary length.Cranter %u00e0 la pince ou aplatir l%u00e9g%u00e8rement au marteau.Notch with a plier or slightly flatten with a hammer.R%u00e9chauffer l%u2019extr%u00e9mit%u00e9 coup%u00e9e (%u2248 150 %u00b0C) et monter l%u2019embout.Warm the cut extremity (%u2248 150%u00b0C) and mount the tip.1122
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