Page 60 - Demo
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                                    60Fournitures - SuppliesOutils et fournitures pour montage rimlessTools and supplies for rimless mountingFI-110 FIL NYLON - Diam%u00e8tre 0,5 mm, cristal,en bobine de 20 m%u00e8tresRIMLESS REPLACEMENT CORDDiameter 0.5 mm, crystal, in 20 meter spoolFI-107 FIL NYLON - Diam%u00e8tre 0,6 mm, cristal,en bobine de 15 m%u00e8tresRIMLESS REPLACEMENT CORDDiameter 0.6 mm, crystal, in 15 meter spoolFI-108 FIL NYLON - Diam%u00e8tre 0,7 mm, cristal,en bobine de 15 m%u00e8tresRIMLESS REPLACEMENT CORDDiameter 0.7 mm, crystal, in 15 meter spoolFI-109 FIL NYLON - Diam%u00e8tre 1,0 mm, cristal,en bobine de 8 m%u00e8tresRIMLESS REPLACEMENT CORDDiameter 1.0 mm, crystal, in 8 meter spoolFI-117 FIL NYLON - Diam%u00e8tre 0,4 mm, cristal,en bobine de 15 m%u00e8tresRIMLESS REPLACEMENT CORDDiameter 0.4 mm, crystal, in 15 meter spoolFI-120/4 d = 0,45 D = 0,55 H = 1,23FI-124/4 d = 0,47 D = 0,60 H = 1,25FI-125/4 d = 0,50 D = 0,62 H = 1,30FI-121/4 A = 2,1 B = 1,4FI-122/4 A = 1,5 B = 1,0FI-111 Bleu Fonc%u00e9 / Dark BlueFI-112 Jaune / YellowFI-113 Noir / BlackFI-114 Bleu clair / Light BlueFI-115 Rouge Auburn / ScarletFI-116 Brun Fonc%u00e9 / Dark BrownFI-118 ASSORTIMENT DE FILS NYLONcomprenant :SET OF NYLON CORDS including :- 1 m%u00e8tre de chacun des 6 fils nylon de couleur- 1 meter of each 6 coloured nylon cordsFI-119 ASSORTIMENT DE FILS NYLONcomprenant :SET OF NYLON CORDS including :- 6 bobines de fils nylon de couleur du FI-111 au FI-116- 6 spools of coloured nylon cords from FI-111 to FI-116OU-110 OUTIL A MONTER LES FILS NYLONRIMLESS MOUNTING TOOLOU-110/1 CROCHETS DE RECHANGE(sachet de 3 pcs)REPLACEMENT HOOKS (bag of 3 pcs)TI-150 TIRE-FILSpour montages nylor (sachet de 50 pcs)PLASTIC STRIPS for setting nylon threadin nylor mountings (bag of 50 pcs)FIL NYLON DE COULEURDiam%u00e8tre 0,5 mm en bobine de 15 m%u00e8tresCOLOURED RIMLESS REPLACEMENT CORDDiameter 0.5 mm in 15 meter spoolDI-102 DISPOSITIF D%u2019INSERTIONDES L%u00c8VRESPour une insertion facile et rapide du fil %u00e0 drageoir en 8.Convient pour les fils allant de 0,45 %u00e0 0,55 mm.DEVICE FOR NYLOR CORD MOUNTINGFor an easy and fast introduction of cord in figure 8.Suitable for cords from 0.45 to 0.55 mm.LA-226/T VERNIS DE RETOUCHE INCOLOREPermet, apr%u00e8s brossage, de supprimer l%u2019aspect mat de la tranchedes verres meul%u00e9s.COLOURLESS RETOUCH VARNISHFor removing the dullness of the edge of milled lenses after brushing.LEVRE, CRISTAL (section en 8)pour partie sup%u00e9rieure des montages rimless, (sachet de 4 m%u00e8tres)EYEWIRE REPLACEMENT CORD, CRYSTAL(section in 8) for upper part of rimlessmountings (bag of 4 meters)LEVRE, CRISTAL (section en T)Sachet de 4 m%u00e8tresEYEWIRE REPLACEMENT CORD, CRYSTAL(section in T) Bag of 4 meters
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