Page 24 - Demo
P. 24
24Outillage - ToolsBR-103 BRUCELLES%u00e0 tenir les vis, becs courbes. Acier inoxydableScrew holding TWEEZERS, bent noses.Stainless steelBR-105 BRUCELLES%u00e0 tenir les vis. Acier inoxydableScrew holding TWEEZERS. Stainless steelBR-106 BRUCELLES%u00e0 tenir les vis (pointes %u00e9troites). Acier inoxydableScrew holding TWEEZERS (narrow points).Stainless steelBR-107 BRUCELLESauto-serrantes %u00e0 tenir les vis. Acier inoxydableSelf-closing screw holding TWEEZERS.Stainless steelBR-108 BRUCELLES%u00e0 tenir les vis avec anneau de blocageScrew holding TWEEZERS with locking ringEN-151 BRUCELLES%u00e0 tenir les vis avec blocageScrew holding TWEEZERS with locking systemBR-104 BRUCELLES%u00e0 pointes fines. Acier inoxydableTWEEZERS with fine points. Stainless steelBR-115 BRUCELLES%u00e0 pointes tr%u00e8s fines. Acier inoxydable. 110 mmTWEEZERS with very fine points. Stainless steel. 110 mmBR-109 BRUCELLES%u00e0 becs droits stri%u00e9sTWEEZERS with straight serrated pointsBR-110 BRUCELLES%u00e0 becs courbes stri%u00e9s. Acier inoxydableTWEEZERS with bent serrated points.Stainless steelBR-114 BRUCELLES%u00e0 becs courbes. Titane. L%u00e9g%u00e8res, anti-magn%u00e9tiques, %u00e9vitent le d%u00e9p%u00f4t de soudure sur les pointesTWEEZERS with bent points. Titanium. Light, antimagnetic, avoiding the solder deposit on pointsBR-111 BRUCELLESauto-serrantes, isol%u00e9es, droitesStraight nose insulated self-closingTWEEZERSBR-112 BRUCELLESauto-serrantes, isol%u00e9es, courbesBent nose insulated self-closingTWEEZERSBR-299 BRUCELLES%u00e0 d%u00e9clipper les plaquettes pressionPush-on nose pads removal TWEEZERSBrucelles - TweezersTITANE / TITANIUMPOUR SOUDER / FOR SOLDERING